knockreer House

Posted by on Jun 10, 2014 in Blog |

One day our teacher told us we would be going to Knockreer house to learn about the Irish animals around us. We set off by bus. We walked up a big hill to the house. We went inside to meet our guide Chris. We were put sitting down to talk and look at the stuffed animals. Chris told us what happened to them and how they got there.  Chris told us that he had put out some traps last night and we would be going outside to find the traps and Chris...

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Our Nature Walk-29th May 2014

Posted by on May 30, 2014 in Blog, News, Projects, Trips, Uncategorized |

On the 29th may we had a nature walk. we really had a fantastic time. we saw many things like a kiln,bees,wasps & spiders. An interesting fact about the kiln is that some people would cook on it. The junior room wore high-vis jackets the senior room however did not because they are the oldest of the school. The reason for the high-visjackets is so the driver can see you.

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